Tuesday, September 30, 2008

short holiday...

came back home yesterday due to today's public holiday, so went out with jay and zhi wei in the night for a movie.

Connected was the name and it was a Hong Kong made Cellular. i was expecting an all serious kinda movie that will be able to make me grip my toes, but it wasn't like that at all. the movie plot was pretty good i thought, but it lack the suspense. however, there was humour in the movie, which pretty much wrapped up the value for the ticket.

i was thinking of watching Eagle Eye (is this the name?). looks like a pretty good movie to me. i guess i should ask some girls to watch with the current 3 of us, or 4 if kinet is welling to travel.

2 more training days and it's the next weekend, and i'm pretty much broke, and very over budget. sigh, ns pay is really pathetic.

Sunday, September 21, 2008

growing up

when we were younger, the point of time where we took note of our growth is during the period of puberty, and it does do alot of changes. however, puberty halts at a certain age.

jay, zw and i were up pretty late in jp last night, pondering over a new song and trying to come our with lyrics that weren't too much of a cliche. a song about growing up. i took notice of my own actions through the years, how much i've grown more straightforward and realistic in alot of means. tilting back time for a brief moment, i rememebered all the funny faces i gave and childish things i've done. regretable and, at times, blissful. i do notice the different reactions the commuting party and i had portrayed. it changed. i remembered how a girl used to pout whenever she sees me and i'll "what?" back as a friendly gesture, the last time i saw her, she wasn't doing that anymore, neither did i carry my usual reply. can be a sad thing though.

the lyrics are not up yet, so is the melody, give it some time. another 6/8 time sig production, gonna screw my heads out of it...

the E-mole...

Friday, September 12, 2008

Under Construction for the moment...

blogging seems to be quite addictive. well, after a 3 month hiatus, due to getting bored of speaking out and trying to believe and encapsulation, i still guess i'm a pretty talkative guy, through the keyboard perhaps.

this layout kinda look quite shitty for now, and my laptop is down. no plans to revive it so i've got to build one up maybe.

3 more months of basic soldiering to go till i get promoted to private. it's still super fun, just the selfish people, waiting time and occasional mood swings from superiors spoil the fun. well... short weekend.