Friday, October 3, 2008

Unfit for duty... so go home loh...

sian... one some way it's good for others but still getting an ATT C isn't good. it's good to hit home very early but it isn't good when my field camp week is coming up the following week. shit, i'll be in day two status which i'm not sure if i'm able to join in the field camp, neither my ps, or he just wanna act dunno or shit. i think he dun like me sia...

i lost the battle to the only survivor in my section to not go see the mo, and the winner is bird. somehow, it sucked to lose to bird, but well it was a good battle. i remembered how i struggled through a flu, ultra aches that dun allow me to lift my arms and a sprained ankle at one time, and not see the mo. but this time, i can't escape. fever MUST report, so go see mo loh.

headed home at 1000hrs from the island, after climbing up and down the stairs to search for the bunk keys. touched friendly grounds at 1200hrs, bathed and slp till 1800 hours. about 6 hours of sleep, deducting all the ding dings and dong dongs.

God, let me go for field camp.

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