Sunday, March 29, 2009

Part one...

the crisp gush of air ran through the window and a lone silhouette layed still on the bed. the room was silent, perhaps too quiet, even though five shadows stood out among the floating dust, made visible by the streams of ray luminating the walls and ceiling. the mother, the father, brother, best friend george and a girl. guilt and sorrow were part of the mixture of expressions shown on their faces, surrounding the boy that was layed on the bed.

it would be a lie if all five of them though he was still sleeping, and it wouldn't be necessary to be around him if he's still breathing and warm. but he's not.

subtle tears broke out from the ladies' eyes and the men remained pale, blinking frequently to save their pride from flowing down their cheeks while their turn their heads and take glances on the body.

the mother went down on her knees, both hands grasping his right hand and continued crying.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

new computer!

mom disallowed me to use her computer anymore as she claimed that i kept depriving her from exposing herself to the IT during the weekends. eh, usually is more like just her waiting for my aunt to come online so that she could chat with her. it's pretty reasonable, considering the distance my aunt is living, TAIWAN!

i went on panic mode last sunday and i didnt really know what to do. my bro got his new laptop and what's left was the ultra oldie desktop of mine that was pretty much 1/3 of my age. yeah, that old.

begged for a loan from my papa and he kinda saved me out of the pinch. with kian's superb help, i just got myself a new computer! yay! not a really good one, but it's pretty much functional, perhaps with just a pair of overkill 2gb ram sticks. kian told me i was alittle nuts, to get overclocking rams not using for it's purpose.

had a few glitches after kian set it up for me, but it's working fine now. wow... 605 bucks for the pc, not a bad price eh?

Saturday, March 14, 2009

getting older every moment...

as the day set to a slient still, john took a stick of cigarette out of his bag. a quick strike against the magnesium rod aroused the fuel into a short tower of light, transiting from blue to a yellow tip. john made a swift swerve to allow the tobacco to burn, glowing while grey fumes danced about his evening fix. he inhaled slowly, drawing images of friends trying to persuade him to quit. a sence of trimph caught up with john, exhaling the smoke, obscuring his sight temporary. the moon in the sky start to blur and john tilt his head slightly left, and then right. droplets of drizzle made him smile.

he asked himself, "why the fuck i'm here?"

tears with rain might be a cliche, while smiling with sadness contradicts each other. this is john.

Saturday, March 7, 2009

out of no where...

yesterday was the concert night and i've got only an item to perform. so, as usual, a bunch of us performers will be stuck at the back of the stage on standby. it's always fun to have mandy and ynaffit together coz jokes can really amplify. yesterday was to the extend that i teared and aquired a slight degree of abdomen cramps. (if you're thinking that i'm included within the menstrual cycle, you're lame.)

russel peters material in a particular night during his standup was pretty interesting, and funny (duh!). he was describing the common features of indian films. so happen that somehow tiff was singing "little umbrella" and that was the point where we started to laugh slightly, having the song lyrics being too crude (including the broken english version) and the melody too corny.

unknowingly, we discussed about taitais, singing the song and doing some sync dancing like the indian movies...

(enters paragon)
one lead taitai singing and dancing...
(turn left)
3 supporting taitais dancing with lead singing from the lead, whom was out of the picture.
(change scene within the building)
lead singing and dancing and moving towards camera as the scene gradually zooming out. supporting joins the lead to march forward doing the para para and finally a whole crowd of taitais joining them at the back.
and out of no where... there's a tree.

this the the part where we start to exaggerate alittle bit, or rather quite crazily. we discussed about there the tree goes, especially in urban areas with ending sentence, 'out of nowhere, there's a tree'. we laughed and laughed.

suddenly, something struck me. remember silkair advertisment? the aborginese? and the nipple covering? this is the super hilarious part. instead of 'out of nowhere, there's a tree', we added 'then the aborginese (shows the body language of the aborginese in the bathtub)'. and someone out of us 3 will cover our nipples. (think straight, you perv!) the best one was from mandy, about the aborginese on the principal's seat, and the whole crowd will cover their nipples. and about the girl who was facing the mirror doing her hair, the aborginese appear and she cover her nipple.

the jokes finally ended with tears, sore jaws and cramps as tiffany went on standby for her song.

as usually, the crew was tensed and i kinda piss them off abit. (as usual lah ah! edmund lim) somehow this is the real time to move forward, when some of us are really forgotten, even though our presence were there. part of life. can't wait for uni...